Cast Clear-Anodized Aluminum
Brushed or Bead-Blasted Surfaces for Cast Clear-Anodized Address Numbers & Letters

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Clear-Anodized Aluminum cast metal house numbers letters have a brushed (except for Architectural, Roman Round and Trajan Bold Prismatic) raw metal finish. Architectural, Roman Round, and Trajan Bold Prismatic aluminum finishes are textured by bead blasting as seen in the photo example above.
These finishes are not clear-coated. Clear-anodized, flat-faced numbers and letters have sanded returns.
Cast clear-anodized numbers or letters are produced from aluminum alloy 514. After casting and brushing or bead-blasting, these pieces are wired as an anode and placed in an anodizing solution to receive their anodic protection.
A cathode, also placed in the solution, is activated. This electrochemical process forms aluminum oxide on the target pieces creating a coating that satisfies the standards of A43 from the Aluminum Association's Architectural finish thickness standards requiring a coating of .8 to 1.0 mils deep. The hardness of the aluminum oxide coating rivals hard stones, giving it greatly improved abrasion resistance. The aluminum oxide surface is also corrosion resistant, making it ideal for industrial, humid and marine atmospheres. Anodized letters are not clear-coated.
Hand-sanded aluminum or buffed aluminum are available as custom options. Call us for pricing.
NOTE: Clear-Anodized aluminum house numbers and letters are warranted for salt-water marine environments.